A new start (pre-op)

I've started this blog a thousand times in my head, but it only begins one way.

In the summer of 2009 I managed to weight 312 pounds. I was appalled despite having hovered just under 300 pounds for several years. At that point I knew I needed professional help. Not because I was in pain now. Not because I wasn't seeing anyone, but because I wanted a better future then my present.

I have watched as my mother has received knee surgeries, and ankle surgeries, each time she loses some of her now but comes back with a better tomorrow. After her second knee replacement and my ever growing size, I felt that the best way for me to lose weight and not gain it back was a Roux-En-Y gastric bypass. It seemed drastic to many people since I was still able to do many of the activities that I loved, wasn't diabetic and had an ever growing circle of friends. I seemed happy on the outside, and didn't let people get close enough to see how hard it was to not eat more then I needed. Not binge on any chocolate that was sitting in eye sight.

As a side note, like many people considering this surgery food is my addiction. If I'm feeling low, or celebrating, just bored or engaged with friends, there is almost always food around. I've been meeting with my prospective surgeon for almost 6 months now, and many things have changed such as my ability to determine if I'm actually hungry, or just emotionally starved. Even still, there is that moment when eating a meal that I just want to go a little bit further, eat a little bit more, have just one (I swear) bite of dessert. The best and most important decision I made was in my surgical team. Not only do I trust my surgeon, but the team includes an exercise physiologist, a dietician and a psychologist. This safety net of support has helped me learn diet changes and provided accountability with my pre surgery diet, and exercise habits. I can not stress enough how important it is to get a surgen with a good record and a great support team. They are helping me overcome this addiction with mental and physical tools.

Now June 2nd of 2010 I am down to 292 at a pre surgery weight and I am waiting to see when I can be scheduled. Insurance has been accepted and I have gone through their 6 month waiting period with their rules and guide lines. My next meeting with be June 8th and I can't wait.

I look forward to sharing more about my journey and hope that you can find some enjoyment of Bariatrics for Me.


E said...

aww Lisa I am so happy for you!!!! Everything will go great you have always been a nice person. Once you get it I want to see plenty of pics posted!! Congrats!

Aisha E

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to following your journey with this new blog! XOXOX

bariatricsforme said...

lol E I can tell you now there will be pics!

Thanks Juli you know you'd be getting it anyway. Poor dear.

Charlie Altman said...

Awesome! Can't wait to hear about what happens at your next appointment!

bariatricsforme said...

Neither can I. I'm hoping that it's a good 4-5 pounds of weight loss and I'm cleared for surgery.

lgk said...

Best of luck. You have my full support, in this as with all things. <3 ~L

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